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We operate in most EU countries


Detective service

Proving infidelity is among the most commonly requested services in the private detective industry. This process involves a comprehensive set of procedures and methods through which detectives seek to obtain evidence of infidelity by one party in a partnership or marriage.

Although it is an extremely sensitive issue, involving emotions and personal relationships, private detectives are often called upon to provide an objective perspective on suspicions of infidelity and to deliver evidence that can be used in legal disputes.


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Lukas Tomik - DET.GROUP

Mgr. Lukas Tomik

Director of DET.GROUP

Legal Framework and Ethical Principles

Before diving into the methodology of proving infidelity, it is important to understand the legal framework and ethical principles associated with this activity within the context of the European Union. In the EU, surveillance, evidence gathering, and recording private conversations are strictly regulated by law, with privacy and data protection being of paramount importance. Private detectives must operate in compliance with EU legislation, specifically in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

These rules are implemented within the national legislation of individual EU member states, which may further specify the conditions and limitations for private detective activities. For example, illegal eavesdropping or surveillance of individuals without their knowledge can have serious legal consequences not only for the detective but also for the client. Additionally, evidence obtained unlawfully may be inadmissible in court.

In accordance with these laws and regulations, detectives must ensure that their activities comply with EU legal standards to ensure their admissibility in legal contexts and to respect the rights of all parties involved.

Methods and Techniques for Proving Infidelity

Proving infidelity is not a simple process and requires the use of sophisticated methods and techniques. The following sections describe the most commonly used methods in the practice of private detectives.

Physical Surveillance

Physical surveillance is a fundamental method used by private detectives in uncovering infidelity. This process involves tracking the movement of a person in real time, with detectives documenting all activities, contacts, and locations visited by the individual under observation. The goal is to obtain visual evidence (such as photographs or videos) that can confirm whether the individual is meeting someone outside the relationship and, if so, what the nature of these meetings is.

Electronic Surveillance and Monitoring

In today’s digital age, electronic surveillance is becoming an increasingly important tool in the arsenal of private detectives. This includes monitoring phone calls, SMS messages, email communications, and in some cases, tracking the location of a mobile phone. However, strict legal regulations must be followed in electronic surveillance, as illegally obtained evidence may be inadmissible and could even lead to legal repercussions.

Social Media and Digital Footprints

Social media represents another valuable source of information for private detectives. Through the analysis of digital footprints left by an individual online (e.g., social media posts, photos, check-ins), detectives can gather important information about the activities and relationships of the person under surveillance. This type of analysis often complements physical surveillance and can provide additional context to the collected evidence.

Witness Statements and Personal Testimonies

In some cases, key evidence may come from witness statements from people in the vicinity of the person under surveillance. Private detectives may contact friends, colleagues, or acquaintances who may have information about suspicious behavior. Obtaining such testimonies, however, must be done sensitively and in accordance with legal norms to avoid accusations of invasion of privacy.

Analysis of Financial Transactions

The analysis of financial transactions can reveal unusual expenditures that may indicate inappropriate behavior. Payments for hotel rooms, expensive gifts, or restaurant bills may be signs that a person is investing in a relationship outside of marriage or partnership. However, this method requires access to bank statements or other financial documents, which can be legally problematic without the consent of the person under surveillance.


Proving infidelity is a complex and sensitive area within the private detective industry. It requires not only technical knowledge and experience but also a thorough understanding of the legal and ethical aspects that accompany this activity. Private detectives must act professionally, with respect for the rights and privacy of the individuals being surveilled, ensuring that the evidence gathered is reliable, relevant, and compliant with applicable laws.

For clients considering the use of these services, it is important to understand not only the processes that will be employed but also the risks and potential consequences that may arise from uncovering infidelity. Trust between the client and the detective, along with open communication about expectations and possibilities, is key to successfully and ethically resolving these complex situations.

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