Do you need professional service?

Lukas Tomik - DET.GROUP

Mgr. Lukas Tomik

Director DET.GROUP

Contact for the appropriate person.

Lukas Tomik - DET.GROUP

Mgr. Lukas Tomik

Director DET.GROUP

Company information

DET.GROUP Slovakia s. r. o.
Nevadzova 6F
821 01 Bratislava

IČO: 55 6495 72
Business Register of the District Court Bratislava III, Section: Sro, Insert No. 171472/B.

Contact us.


If you need our assistance or have specific questions, feel free to contact us via email. However, please note that this form of communication may sometimes be slower. If your request is urgent or you prefer a faster response, we recommend using an alternative contact method.

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