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Detective service

Surveillance of individuals (also known as physical surveillance) involves observing a person or group of people to gather information about their activities, behavior, and interactions.

This type of surveillance is often used in private and business matters, such as cases of suspected infidelity, fraud, unauthorized activities in the workplace, or in searching for missing persons.


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Lukas Tomik - DET.GROUP

Mgr. Lukas Tomik

Director of DET.GROUP

Methods of Surveillance

Surveillance of individuals is one of the key tools that private detectives use to gather information. This article focuses on the various methods of surveillance commonly used in this field, their applications, advantages, and disadvantages, as well as the technical and legal aspects associated with their use.

Foot Surveillance

Foot surveillance involves tracking a person at close range, where the detective follows the subject on foot. This type of surveillance is often utilized in urban environments, where maneuvering a vehicle may be difficult and where the subject primarily moves on foot.

Vehicle Surveillance

Vehicle surveillance involves tracking the subject using a vehicle. This method is effective over longer distances and allows the detective to monitor the subject’s movements without raising suspicion.

Technological Methods of Surveillance

GPS Tracking

GPS tracking involves the use of GPS tracking devices that provide real-time information about the exact location of a vehicle or other object. These devices are often hidden on a vehicle or another item that the subject regularly uses.

Camera Systems

Camera surveillance involves the use of hidden cameras to record the movements and activities of the subject. Cameras can be placed in strategic locations where the subject regularly moves.

Online and Digital Surveillance

Online surveillance involves monitoring the subject’s online activities, including social media, email communications, and other digital footprints. This method uses various tools to track internet activities and gather data about the subject’s online behavior.

Combined Methods of Surveillance

Hybrid Surveillance

Hybrid surveillance combines both physical and technological methods to achieve a comprehensive view of the subject’s activities. Detectives may use GPS trackers to monitor the subject’s movements while simultaneously employing physical surveillance to verify and supplement the information obtained from technological tools. This synergy allows private detectives to gain a more accurate picture of the tracked individual’s activities.

Hybrid surveillance can be costly, as it requires investment in technological equipment as well as human resources. For smaller detective agencies, maintaining the necessary equipment and ensuring qualified professionals for each surveillance method can be challenging.

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